2008年12月4日 星期四

CCleaner - 清理系統好工具




  市面上已經有不少類似系統清理的相關軟體,我試用了幾個之後,覺得這個是最好的。功能清楚,清理速度不錯,清理效果也OK,免費軟體而且還有持續在更新中!話說有一次我用一個清理軟體...叫「EasyCleaner」,大約在2008年9月多去下載他來跟CCleaner作比較,發現一個很囧的事情...用EasyCleaner輕理完的時候跑出連續三、四個memory violate錯誤視窗...重開機再試一次~一樣....所以CCleaner還是比較讚...還能變成攜帶版,放入USB,蠻方便的~!

  下載並安裝完主程式之後,至安裝目錄下(預設為「C:\Program Files\CCleaner」)將目錄內容全部複製起來即可。


Program Summary:

CCleaner is a freeware PC optimization tool.
It combines a system cleaner that removes unused and temporary files from your system and also a fully featured registry cleaner!
CCleaner allows Windows to run faster, more efficiently and gives you more hard disk space.
The best part is that it's Small, Fast and Free!

Cleans the following Windows components:

  • Internet Explorer
    - Temporary File Cache
    - URL History
    - Cookies
    - Hidden Index.dat files
    - Last download file location
  • Firefox
    - Temporary File Cache
    - URL History
    - Cookies
    - Download manager
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Recycle Bin
  • Clipboard
  • Windows Temporary files
  • Windows Log files
  • Recent Documents (on the Start Menu)
  • Run history (on the Start Menu)
  • Windows XP Search Assistant history
  • Windows XP old Prefetch data
  • Windows memory dumps after crashes
  • Chkdsk file fragments

Advanced Options allow cleaning of:

  • Menu Order cache
  • Tray Notifications Cache
  • Window Size and Location Cache
  • User Assist history
  • IIS Log Files
  • Custom Folders

Application Cleaning:

As well as cleaning up old files and settings left by standard Windows components, CCleaner also cleans temporary files and recent file lists for many applications. Including:
  • Firefox, Opera, Safari, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat Reader, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and more...

Registry Cleaning:

CCleaner uses an advanced Registry Cleaner to check for problems and inconsistencies. It can check the following:
  • File Extensions
  • ActiveX Controls
  • ClassIDs
  • ProgIDs
  • Uninstallers
  • Shared DLLs
  • Fonts
  • Help File references
  • Application Paths
  • Icons
  • Invalid Shortcuts and more...


CCleaner was designed from the ground to be safe and secure to use. It has multiple levels of checks in place to ensure that it cannot delete any useful information or documents you may still need. We also certify that it contains no Spyware or Adware.

High Security:

For the super cautious users we also offer secure file erasing. By overwriting the files before deleting them, making it impossible to recover the data.

Multiple Languages:

Thanks to the translators, CCleaner is available in 35 different languages:

English, Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech/Slovak, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Serbian Cyrillic, Serbian Latin, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

